Apr 18, 2012


sometimes, i do hope that people can see me beyond what i am today. if only they can see the heart, and know that it is also weak, frail, and hurt. if only people did take some time to understand and learn, probably things may be better off for most of us..

somehow, i feel like i am spiralling out of control. how fast or slow, i don't know. but i know that i am slowly crashing. i don't know when i will hit rock bottom, but this downward fall is bad enough already. previously, i may have some sort of cushion, or some backup to fall upon. but if i know, shall i fall today, i am on my own, and there is no one around me to help pull me back up.

another day, and it is the 19th of april. one complete year. time flies. the good times came and passed. the only thing to do now is to move on, and not let it affect me anymore. parasite.

no matter how i try to make things work, it seems like there is no mending of a broken patch. everything is either falling apart or just beyond my control. i have given my every effort. sometimes, i am just too tired.

tired. exhausted. sick


Apr 12, 2012

i saw..

i saw the posts, i saw the songs..
i also saw you coming in, and leaving..
i guess i may not be as dumb to not figure out what is happening.
nevertheless, i do hope for it to end, so that you will be happy again.
however, i guess you will never see me.. :)


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