Feb 8, 2008

Chinese New Year

It's the lunar new year again. chinese (and half chinese like me)across the globe welcomed the earthen rat, wishing for a better year, limitless blessings, and peace to all beings. children and adults rejoiced together. houses are lit and merry. drums and fireworks fill the atmosphere. oh, what a wonderful sight to behold..

looking out of my balcony, i could see children and adults having fun. feasting, playing, being merry...with sounds of laughter and firecrackers in the air..how wonderful..

but what about me? here i am, stuck in front of the computer. i must say, it's not too bad. just an average start. woke up with a bang (from drums of lion dances). dressed to my finest (just to be at home). and eventually spent the whole evening on the bed trying to catch up on some sleep (slept late last night). but, it's still fine. as i believe, things are starting to change for me.. better changes. i just can't wait for this to happen.

and what have the stars got to say for me?? apparently, this is my best year. one of the best zodiac signs, with wealth, health and love factors fully activated. hmm, will i be able to tap and harness all this energy....

anyway, i will like to thank alan for spending the new year with me. you didn't know how wonderful that felt, just spending special occassion with a friend. we may be miles apart, but i could feel your presence. thanks again.


je t'aime

p.s. perhaps i'll change some blogging elements of mine, before i make my readers more depressed....

1 comment:

Z said...

Thank you for spending it with me too!

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