Mar 20, 2008


ok, galaxie did an article about celebs getting addicted to substance and entering rehab. is it the latest trend (after having babies)? is this the next big thing of the year? or will la la-land be renamed rehab-lad? i certainly hope not. seriously, where have sanity, dignity and rational disappeared to?

i may not be addicted to substance (neither do i abuse them), but i think i am addicted to the ps2. more specific, i think i am addicted to the game 'god of war 2'. i've played the first instalment, and i think the second one is way better, and cooler than the first one. the graphics, plot and action sequence is soooooo nice. gosh.
but the worse part, i've been playing non-stop for the past few days. in fact, i've been playing up until the middle of the night.. it was that addictive. and i didn't read today's newspaper (until just now) this afternoon, just to play the game. in fact, i've been thinking, visualising and even dreaming of the game... i am doomed.

who would have thought, me, someone who never liked playing computer or video games, could be addicted to the ps2. i have to say, i really enjoy the adrenaline rush.

just an issue to be considered.. i've just bought myself 2 large bottles of protein. it's to act as a diet supplement. however, i see people taking it so often, it's almost like their life depends on it. does that constitute to substance-abuse? can it be considered an addiction? i know that it doesn't impair our judgement, nor will it kill our brain cells (hopefully), but will there be withdrawal symptoms if a protein-junkie suddenly decided to call it quits?? i wonder. btw, i only plan to take it right after my workout, not the 'once in the morning, once prior to workout, once during workout, once after workout, and once at night' routine. i think that will kill my wallet faster than killing me, and besides, my body will just perish in all those heat (yes, protein shakes are heaty food. they can cause pimples, rashes and even constipation).

ok, enough for the night. i wanna catch up on some sleep, cos i realise that i am slowly turning into a zombie.... gotta rise early tomorrow, as i wanna continue playing the ps2. haha.

je t'aime

18 more days until the concert!!!

1 comment:

Alan said...

Omg. Waking up so early just to play your PS2? Haha. And the concert will come and go very fast just like how it was for my Sammi's. Enjoy every moment there!

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