Apr 4, 2008

balance? jam?

finally, a personal post. i hoped u guys learned a little about qing ming from the previous post. even if u guys can't head to the tombs (or the columbarium), just remember that without our ancestors, there'll never be us.

anyway, i did a sudden jam audition of wed. was only informed in the morning by alan, and seriously, i thought it was another april fool's joke (can't help but to be wary). guess it went alright.

then, went for balance class conducted by janis. it was a usual class, but this afternoon, when i went for her yoga, i was told that she'd conducted an informal audition for me the night before, and i was ok to proceed for training (she did it cause i'm leaving to KL next week).

am going to KL twice next week. as i couldn't cancel my air tickets, i'll have to fly down on the 6th and return on the 10th just in time for my exam. then i'll be leaving to KL again on the 12th for the concert on the 13th. makes me wonder.. why the hassle...is it worth it?

well, i think it's enough for now. i'm tired of typing already.
besides, i wanna catch up on my reading. the book (the tyrant) is just so amazing that i couldn't really put it down.
may do a review soon.

je t'aime

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