Jun 3, 2008

from work

this is the second day at work. once again, i am really early for work again. well, all things have started out fine...and there are various upcoming meetings and events to attend, organise and manage. hopefully, i can cope well in the new environment.

exam results are out. didn't do so well this time. after all the time spent on my research (refer to previous blogs), i only managed to score a B+. am wondering if it's all worth it?? probably, but am still wondering. heck, my cgpa is so bad this time that it's nowhere 3.5!!

quarterly just ended. didn't attend, but u can feel the hype for the next launch happening soon. then, i'll have more things to study, more things to learn, and more things to do.. will i be able to make it? let's hope so!!

read about rooney in alan's blog...funny, how we all became friends. and last night, i actually had a long chat with him (2 hours ++) after gym. i guess it's amazing how a simple conversation asking him about the origins of his racer-back could turn out to having heart to heart talk with him.. i guess this is the miracle of friendship.

anyway, signing off now and will be returning to work..

je t'aime

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