Jul 17, 2008

the return..

hola ppl, how's life?
am stealing some time off now to blog. besides, there's hardly anyone here in the office, and i am about to leave for another meeting in a couple of minutes.

anyway, just some random thoughts for the day:
1. Malaysia's political scene is getting more and more dramatic. everyday, we hear headlines about political rivalry (mind u, it's been more than 3 months since the last elections), yet nothing is done to serve the people. seriously, the opposition should take a reality check! had the people really wanted you, you will be the new government already. many voted for you because we are left with no other options.

2. my mood swings are getting from bad to worse. thankfully, i'm not a women, for with the type of mood swings that i am getting, people may think that i'm pregnant.

3. chocolate can do wonders to ur mood.. or at least this is something that happened to me. it was amazing how a bar of kit kat could lift up my mood and got me to gym.. haha.

4. even in this age, and in this developing country, discrimination is still rife. and what's worse? discrimination generate hate, and refusing a chance for people to understand the people who are being discriminated. and to think that i am always in the minority of groups....haih

5. anyway, i'm happy to say that the diva is finally back in me.. yes, this b***h is finally back and taking over. after many months of destroying the walls and the platform for this person, it's back... with a vengence. therefore, from now, i'll only speak and listen when i feel like it...

6. speaking of walls, i think it's time to rebuild the walls of isolation in me again. vulnerabilty is not my forte. i must take charge and take control again.

7. there is nothing more truthful than seeing the eyes of a person sparkle when meeting it's beloved. that's what i witnessed yesterday, and i think the signs are clear enough for me to leave this person. thank you so much for being in my life, now it's time to leave..

ok, enough for now. am leaving for my meeting

je t'aime

1 comment:

Alan said...

Don't know how to comment for this one. Heh.

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