Nov 7, 2008


I've been so caught up with work lately that i barely have time for myself anymore.. it may be a good thing, or a bad thing, i am still not sure. at least it's taken my mind off certain problems, filling them with visions of success instead.

am so happy now that my boss actually thinks that my concept paper is good. it's this first time i am writing such things (normally done by seniors and ceo). only problem is the over estimate of budget..hehe. asking for USD 100k for a project.. haha.

i just realised that i have eliminated a certain section of my past from my life.. my high school days have been repressed to a certain nook in my heart that i can barely remember the events anymore. and then there are certain ppl that just don't exist in my life anymore (until i see their faces pop up in facebook).. in a way, i am happy.. but i also wonder if it's the correct thing to do or not..

also, am reconstructing the walls from the past.. yes. i guess it's time to reconstruct those walls that have long crumbled. i guess my heart and soul will be better living in those walls, oblivious to the pain and hurt caused from beyond. it's hard, and it hurts.. but i guess it will be better in time..

am going to go watch quantum of solace tomorrow.. bought tickets.. am wondering will it be good....i never really enjoyed james bond (heck,i only watched a few such as the world is not enough, tomorrow never dies, and casino royale)

ok, back to work and do more planning for more events..


1 comment:

Alan said...

Updated me blog. Check out the photo and get bored with the words!

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