May 23, 2010


time. how i wish i could turn it back. back to the time, where certain events did not take place. wish i could do it all again, but this time, only in a different manner. but then, again, wishful thinking. when will i ever realise that time lost is time never to be regained. it is only now time for me to look forwards, and move on.

and this time, i shall be doing it right. never again will it happen. this time, i sought my own misery. there shall be no next time. i call it quits now. there is no point for me to harp around, and be upset by the matters. it happened this time, but i swear ( and i really swear), never again will it happen.

the future. i am not certain what are the things to come. what to expect. are those possible futures that i see? or should i give everything up. i am at crossroads now, and it is hitting hard on me. where should i go?

no matter what the road, i shall channel my focus to my decision. no more fooling around. just energy and attention to the sole focus, even if it means wandering the earth as a penniless vagrant. no looking back. no regrets.

time, something to love and hate. tell me how to stop...

1 comment:

Elephant Dove said...

oh I feel the hurt in your heart.
do not dwell on regrets in your life. take each regrets and put it into your hands, visualize the positive knowledge and growth it has given you.
if you nurture regret, it gets bigger, heavier. if you put your energy into receiving the good from it, the rest can be tossed aside, and break apart from life's forces reducing it to nothing.

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