Nov 19, 2007


Dark clouds lie ahead. misery looms. just when you think that you are on top of the world, Murphy's law sets in. thoughts don't matter anymore. when despair sets, not even the brightest light will illuminate the sorrowed one anymore......

ok, i'm not that depressed. but still, i'm heartbroken. well, i didn't lose a partner, neither did i lose a loved one. however, it feels like one part of my life is gone. ok, i'm making a big fuss, but i lost my mp3 player. my beloved creative zen neeon. it was my pride, my joy, and my loyal companion. it was there to cheer me up when i'm down. filled my soul with music so pure and lovely...and now it's gone.

all from the folly of an old fool. i actually left it in the gym last thursday. and i didn't realise that it was missing until this afternoon, when i looked for it. 's so hard now. i couldn't even get a proper workout just now as my mp3 player is gone. gone from me forever....

but i still hope. i still want to have faith that somewhere out there, there's still a kind soul that will return my beloved to me. i don't ask for much, as long as my zen is back with me.. but in reality, who would want to return a zen that costs 750 bucks? it's an early christmas present to him/her....gosh.

in case you do not return, i hope that u've found a better owner. someone that will treasure and love you like i do. someone that will fill you with music that will lift souls and spirits, sending them to heaven's door. i wish you well, farewell.....

je t'aime, mon zen


Ganymede said...



There there. As Forest Gump once said, "shit happens". :)

[Q]-ben said...

and so said my buddy too, shit happens. thanks for listening though

Z said...

Don't worry and hang on there okie. Have faith. It might come back!

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