Nov 17, 2007

ok, ppl...share my delight with me. my exams are!!!!
watched stardust and!!!
and i bought myself celine's latest album, taking chances ...YAHOO!!!!!!

yup. the week is finally getting better and better. sadly, it's also coming to an end. it's the start of another week soon. hopefully, there's a rollover effect.

anyway, i can smell christmas by the's so sweet....
must go grab a cup of the toffee nut latte later (from starbucks)..

u know u've put on weight 'ah beng' that u haven't seen in 5-6 weeks tells u that u've gone fatter....
looks like i have to work harder to prepare myself for christmas....hehe

ok, ciao
je t'aime.
p.s. tu est mon lecteur


Z said...

I wanna share too but too bad my exam's not over but thank God it's going to be over soon. Things not going too good for me. Hopefully everything goes alright! Haha. Anyway, have fun now k! *Btw, I never lost hope from love k, that post's just something like what I feel. It's so sad if I don't have faith for love anymore!

William said...

Time to start the Xmas shopping!

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