Nov 12, 2007

Monday Blues...

i'm back. don't worry, i didn't sideline this blog. it's just that things have to take a back seat as i face to challenges in reality. well, exams are drawing to an end. another paper this wednesday, and voila, i'm done. however, unlike previous years, i don't get to laze around and enjoy my holidays. i have to continue with my fyp. all the things that needed to be done..gosh, if only i have someone to share my day with....

speaking of sharing with someone special..i'm aware that most people around me managed to find their special someone. well, i haven't. months back, i was looking, 'marketing' myself and improving on my skills. however, i guess it's all no use as apparently what i've done is not enough. maybe i need to change my methods, do some soul searching or just retreat to a life of loneliness.....

well, i guess my hormones are a little 'off', so forgive me if u find this entry boring...

je t'aime


Ganymede said...

My first paper is this Wed. Heheh. Luck to both of us eh?

FYP eh? Same here but lucky me, I opted for something I like and its easy peasy lemon squeezy. Programming. :P

Z said...

I'm sure you'll fine somebody soon. No point rushing into anything. Go with the flow mate!

William said...

Marketing yourself!? Haha. You have a brochure that I can go through? :P

TechSmacker said...

vous aimez que ?

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