Dec 31, 2007

last day of 2007's the last day of 2007. fret not, as it is not the end of the world yet.. it's just the end of another 'merde' year.. i'm hoping that the year ahead will be better..

so, what are your new year plans, ppl?? any resolutions?? i normally don't make them cos i can't keep them pass the booze...but maybe there's one.. that is i'll try to blog more.. haha. can't wait to see that happening.

what's ahead for me next year...hmm... i'll be working like a horse to complete my thesis, then viva... after that, graduation.. i'll be coming out to work, or maybe further my education...and i may be going for training in balance..and hoping that i will be given classes to teach...(me really desperate for money..haha). others.. i don't really see anything big coming..oh, and hopefully, i'll stay sane for next year...

thanks for the comment from the previous blog.. on the untouchable...i think i'm gonna save that for another post.. but if u really need an analogy, just think of it as concentrated acid...touch it, and it'll burn u to the core...

ok, i'll have to sign off here as i still have loads of things to do here in the lab.
here's to a better year revoir
je t'aime

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