Dec 29, 2007

hate this feeling...

christmas have come and gone..and still, what have i done? nothing much! so, how did i spend christmas?? eve sucks..went for dinner in e-gate, then went to gurney to look at revellers. it was horrible as those rowdy revellers were spraying fake snow here and there.. eventually, we have to seek sanctuary in starbucks. spent about 2 hours in starbucks looking at the ppl around us...nothing interesting, ppl are just as boring...and the ah bengs and ah lians came out in full force..after midnight, we left to head to the torch, to meet up with the jam gang. at least that place is so much more better. the ppl there are more civilised, although i think mich and lav beg to differ....but i think i had better time there...

chirstmas, christmas....also the very moment of heartache.. this week is so hard for i've fallen for an's against all cardinal rules of dating, but i still fell.. at least for the moment. i really hope that it will come to pass, as this feeling is really hard to bear. but i have to fall for an untouchable?? the powers that be is really playing games with my life huh.....actually, i'm hoping that someone can actually give me a few slaps across the face to set me straight...untouchables are untouchable!!!

and the feast of epiphany came to early for me..12 days too early. it happened at the pub, like an hour after christmas. i had finally seen what i have to see.. and realise that certain things have to come to pass. i've been hurting myself for far too, it's time to pass and change.....

christmas gifts....hmm, only one. but it's ok, as it is from my best's a detachable hoodie with a low cut...although i wanted another piece, this one is just as good...

one thing that i hope to do before the new cry. i think it's time to let down my defences, retreat to a corner, and really cry for the year. it's the most horrible year that i've been through in 22 years of my life. it didn't start with a bang (in fact, i was in my room, drinking to my sadness), accidents, deaths, pressure, stress, social circle... and finally, the emotional turmoil that i've been through. there's only 2 days, i hope that i can finally set things right..

ok, enough of my ramblings...and yes, i think i may be suffering from holiday depression...
and finally, happy new year to all my readers...
je t'aime

1 comment:

Z said...

Why untouchable?

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