Mar 14, 2008

shattered walls

the very walls that imprisoned me was finally shattered. i have overcome the greatest obstacle that i am supposed to this year. yes, i have finally completed my dissertation. u may have read that in the previous post, but i'm currently letting the feeling sink in. you couldn't imagine the euphoria that i am enjoying now, knowing that i have broken this very wall. it's just so amazing. well, another two more weeks, and i'll be done with uni life. it's out to the corporate world, or perhaps i'll continue to pursue a higher education level... but i guess i'll let it flow...perhaps i'll just prepare a few copies of my c.v. and send them to various corporation, hoping that i'll get a job that i love. i know it's hard for me due to my 'floating' nature, but i guess i'll have to change and settle eventually.

the other wall that shattered was the very one seperating dreams and reality. while i could only use to dream, some people are making it into their reality. it finally dawn upon me that people are generally separated into two categories. either u are lucky, or u are not. while i can only dream of being a model, or owning my dream car, another is actually living my dream. this friend of mine, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, just got the dream job, the dream car, and also a man to love him. another pal, also born with a silver spade in her mouth, is actually earn per hour what others earn per day. plus, she doesn't even have to have a degree to earn such, and lead the high life.. but thankfully, i'm awaken with the crash of the wall..

a little on the recent elections. so, what is done is done. penang, and a few other state, are now under opposition rule. the government is formed by the ruling coalition with a simple majority. what's next up the line? many walls of comfort for members of the coalition were also shattered last weekend. some may take the fall graciously (kudos to dr koh for being a gentleman), others just can't seem to get the message to back off. perhaps they should seize the moment and leave with some dignity. look, the people don't want you. don't linger. as for the opposition rule, i am neither for, nor against it. i guess i'll just sit back and watch what happens. however, what saddens me is that many grassroot leaders which has done so much for the community was just given the boot, just like that. young guns have taken over, but i hope that could meet the par set by their predecessors. anyway, they should always remember, if the people can vote you in, they can always vote you out either.

after all these happenings, what overwhelmed me was the level of maturity of the 21st century malaysians. perhaps globalisation and technology have their good points after all..haha. well, it's just that the voice of the new generation is loud and clear, and some worthy malaysians can take defeat with full of grace. another thing that overwhelmed me was knowing that democracy is still alive and well in malaysia. thankfully, we do not have to go through issues like what's happening in pakistan, nigeria, and a few other countries. we may not have year long campaigns like the u.s., but we still treasure our rights fought for by our forefathers.

ok, guess i'll continue some other time. it's time for me to catch up on my beauty sleep. i know i may not have the looks, but i do not want to end up like the wicked witch in snow white...(but being a witch like paige matthews is a dream come true). well, that story another time..
je t'aime

oh, and pls do take some time off to listen to some songs from my favourite diva. she's everything a diva needs to be. btw, the first song 'if walls could talk', is my favourite song from her all the time.

1 comment:

Alan said...

Finally, you are free!

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