Jan 13, 2009

Post-holiday blues

Probably i'm the only person to suffer from post-holiday blues, even into the second week of work. Somehow or other, i just couldn't pick up the energy, the momentum and the drive to really get back to work. everything in me feels so stagnant.. non-moving. and to think that chinese new year is just round the corner (another break of about 8 days).. am wondering where to get the inspiration to write the concept paper and proposal as assigned by boss (he kinda picked me for the task)..

Saturday was a blast, as i was fired with so much energy that i didn't feel tired, even working from 8.30 to 5, then continued with dinner, movie and hanging out in coffee bean until 1. probably that was the long awaited recharge that i needed.. but sadly, it only lasted for a day.. am so moodless that i'm not even sure if i could conduct class tomorrow night.

Went for an unexpected movie on saturday, with unexpected results. the movie, They Wait, was surprisingly good, for an unknown producer. although the timing for the release of such a movie is rather weird (it's a horror movie), the plot was quite okay. it was developed and fleshed out well, incorporating the customs and cultures of two different world. the only thing is that, WHY animate vampires to look like weird claw-like creatures??

ok, enough for the moment.. the lazy bug is still hanging onto me.. can't seem to get anything done.. haha

until the next post,
just wait!!


p.s. Celine's latest compilation album is worth obtaining, as the extra songs are really really really nice!!

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