Jan 6, 2009


if there is one thing to learn, i think i should learn how to be a better person. not that i need to show this better person to the world, but i have to show this better person to myself. i have to learn how to treat myself better, and take care of myself. i will have to learn how to take care of myself, not letting myself be inflicted with harm and pain. and i will have to learn how to pick myself up and let me be strong again.. i guess, this is the hardest lesson any person should learn..

the second thing which i may have to learn, probably come this year.. is to be less sensitive, and try not to read between lines, emotions etc. i should try to distance myself from human connection (which i was once a pro..). perhaps, this bade well for me in these trying times.

on another issue, am just wondering how often does a person misuses terms of endearment?? sometimes, i just don't feel comfortable when people call me dear or darling, when they don't really mean what they are calling. of course, i will not explode into a fire ball or something, but i wished they come from someone who meant it.

ok, gtg now, as last minute work is piling up, and i need to go back now!


1 comment:

Alan said...

Well. I use words like darling, dear, baby in my cues for jam? Lol. These words doesn't really have to only come from boyfriends or girlfriends right? I mean, I don't know. I do use it; I think I have used it on you. Heh.

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