Feb 14, 2009

no me ames...

i think i may have used the title above, but what the heck.. it clearly describes what i'm thinking, and also what i want. ok, apart from the obvious reasons that it's a song by JLo and Marc Anthony, the lyrics are so meaningful, and beautiful..

to all lovebirds out there, happy valentine's day.. but seriously, do you really have to show your love on only this day?? to me, if a person really loves somebody, then everyday is valentine's! feb 14th is just a pathetic reason for florist, candy shop and what-nots to boost their sales...

amazingly, i've never really given any thoughts for this day, until last night, when i was about to sleep. actually, i see this day as a 'day for decisions'. well, if you've been an avid reader of this blog, or you know me, then you would have known that i've sworn off love and whatever that's related to it. however, i had this thought that if i managed to engage someone for dinner, then probably i would allow myself to take a chance at this thing called love.. probably it's a blessing, i don't know, but the dinner didn't happen.. and know i am sure of what i want. I want to be remain where i am today, never to budge from my determination anymore. I've finally resolved to close my heart and soul to whatever that's called love.. call me crazy or silly, but i honestly belive this is what the powers that be would want. haha.

so, even though i may like, adore or feel comfortable around people, there is no way that i am going to fall in love, or engage in a relationship with them. and all i ask for in return is..no me ames

wow.. that much for an emotional outburst. in fact, deep down, i think i'm reduced to tears.. but then, you will never see it wet my cheeks. haha. but then, i seem to be a little uptight emotionally... almost bursting to tears watching 'ghost whisperer season 4', or even listening to JLo making a tribute to Selena.. gosh, what have gotten into me..


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