Feb 2, 2009

sees the light

This is gonna be a really short note on a certain epiphany.

Over the Chinese New Year holidays, I had a lot of time to ponder on certain decisions of mine, especially on relationships and love. Blessed were the friend(s) that were there to remind me and got me thinking... and somewhere nearing the end, i kinda had a compromise with myself. Instead of going cold turkey, and hardening my heart forever, i kinda agree to seek my own happiness once those around me have found theirs..

However, after giving much thought to this compromise (coupled with some objective evaluation), i have to agree that this compromise is wrong. i was hasty in deciding, and opening up such an avenue for love. It's better to stay off forever than to open up a possible avenue. therefore, i've seen the light. i shall not abide to the compromise, and instead, resume to become who i have set to be ... loveless.


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