Mar 11, 2009

blood test...

so, it is confirmed.. not only do i not have a heart, i don't have blood in my body also. apparently, when i went to the doctors for a blood test on saturday, the doctor had to withdraw blood from three different sites (both my forearms, and on the back of my palm. even so, there wasn't enough to fill in half a vial for testing (in fact, it only managed to fill 1/5 of the vial)..
so, the verdict: i'm not human.. haha


Alan said...

What for?

[Q]-ben said...

i did my last blood test 2 years ago.. so, this time, it's for the normal profiling, like cholesterol level, glucose level, urea & uric acid etc. but still, not enough to do a complete profile... am going to the clinic another time

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