Oct 10, 2009

question: answer

i have been missing from blogosphere for quite a few days already. mainly, due to work commitments, and also a certain obsession with facebook. instead, i find myself spending more and more time on facebook, officially becoming a facebook addict.

just had a couple of interesting moments in my life. being able to emcee an international conference is like a dream come true. being able to be recognized by so many ppl,and showered with compliments, simply amazing. seriously, i think i should start considering a career switch to doing emcee gigs instead. however, i do feel a little embarrassed that ppl would actually compliment me so much on my skills. firstly because i am not professional, and my command of the english language is not that superb too.. i guess it was sheer luck that i do not stammer, or freak out on stage or something..

the next most amazing thing, is to attend the UNESCO declaration ceremony on Suffolk House as a heritage site. it is not a ceremony to be missed, and simply amazing. being amongst the who's who in the cultural and heritage circle.. and being recognised and acknowledge. heck.. wonderful.

as usual, a lot of questions will pop up, coupled with a lot of answers that needs to be sought and understood. but i guess i'll just let it pass. eventually, the questions will be answered naturally, and when it does, it is too late, and i guess i don't want to question it any further.

about being played out, i guess ihave to accept the fact, and move along with it. not that i am happy with it, but i guess i should complain. cos there is no way to change it, and no one will understand. and basically, i was the one that wasn't exactly playing my cards well, and lost them all..or did i? only time will tell.

1 comment:

Jeffrey Hardy Quah said...

"i guess it was sheer luck that i do not stammer, or freak out on stage or something.."

I hear people pay emcees a fair bit to freelance emcee. It's something you might want to seriously look at, as a side gig at least.

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