Aug 31, 2010

Was never you

If there was anything good that God created, it was you.
Yet, as I already knew, good things never happen to me,
Hence was never you.
You lifted me in spirits when times were good, unknowingly.
Yet you shattered me when times were bad, unknowingly.
And still, it was never you.
You showed me all those truths,
and together, all those lies
all those memorable moments,
and those, i have yet to forget.
And still, it was never you.
Now that you're gone,
I still feel that you're near.
Ever I long for,
and ever i Fear.
And still, 'twas never you.
Seeing you happy, i'm glad you were there
Seeing you sad, i yearn to be there.
but, nevertheless
it was never you..

To those who are experiencing a broken heart, this is for YOU.



Elle Wells said...

wow!This is very beautiful!!You was the one who wrote it??

Plittamus said...

This is beautiful. Very well written.

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