Dec 24, 2007

x'mas cheer

it's christmas eve now. i know i haven't been blogging for a long sorry for that. have been really really busy....nearing the point of physical and mental exhaustion. but thankfully, there are always ppl around me cheering me on, and keep me going

so,it's the time of the year now...where we contemplate on what we've done... and plan our next step. it's the time where ppl gather to celebrate the year that passed...and to welcome the coming one. it's also the time to remember the birth of a lord, a shepherd amongst ppl....but for me, it's the time when i hope to take a surrounded by friends and family...and to rejoice..ah..x'mas

now, back to more personal things....finished my x'mas shopping...but the gifts are still lying around unwrapped. the worst part.. i'm now stuck in my lab, and will only be able to go home after 6. gosh... i must really take a break soon...

enough of my thoughts for now....will keep updating soon...ciao
merry x'mas and happy new year
je t'aime

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