Dec 8, 2007

Je T'aime Encore - Celine Dion

i really love this song from celine. i first heard this in one heart, but this version was featured in 1fille 4 types. it just tells of the innocence and purity of love. no holds...if only this is reality.

anyway, it's the weekend again. another week has gone by... and the end of the year is drawing nearer. somehow, i dread this feeling.. i may love the season, together with the carols, the gifts, the tree and the cook...but it's never enough. maybe because there is no one special to spend it with....

my bestie had the craziest idea... to hire a mate to celebrate the season,anyone care to sign up for the part??? haha. ish.....

ok, here goes my christmas wish list (as requested from my bestie)..

1. Celine Dion's Belong EDT

2. The Men's Pen Concealer, no.10

3. a grey V cut hoodie

4. a grey 'Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas' jacket

5. a green Nike yoga mat

6. a pair of eye shades...something like from chanel, or gucci

7. a crux earring

8. another tattoo

9. William Liew's white long sleeve shirt with chinese butterfly buttons in front, and

10. a Swatch.

i don't really know if i can find all of these things in penang....but still, it's no harm wishing.... after all, what's left in the pandora's box is only hope...

ciao, je t'aime

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