Jan 13, 2008

size does matter

love the title? anyway, this blog is not about the size of some precious organs or something. it's just that i've dropped in size again. now, i can fit in easily into a size 28 pair of pants. hahaa. how bout that!! well, my mum bought 2 pair of pants for my cousins down under. previously, i was so huge that they used to tease me...now..i'm the same size..so, laugh ur heart out ppl!!!

well, i went for the fat analysis test just now too..haha. and apparently, i've dropped another kilo from 2 weeks ago. i weighed myself on new years's eve, and i was standing at 63. now, i'm 62. well, now i target to reach 60 kilos...wish me luck. as for my fat percentage...not too bad also 15% only. hahahahah. and that translates to 9.9kg of my total body weight...am so happy

well, enough of my weighty issues...let's move to something else. well, i'd realise that i'm hurting myself with all the illusions on the untouchable. i was deluded. it could never be mine. for the past two weeks, i've been challenging the powers that be for signs. initially, the signs pointed to me to give up, and as i was looking for an ultimatum, the signs changed again, giving me new hope. but i guess it's all bull. i finally initiated the ultimate sign today, and i've got my answer. things will never be. i shall wake up from this dream and pick up what's left of me. it's really comfortable to have the untouchable so close, but i guess it's time for me to stop and rescue myself from hurting myself anymore....so..au revoir, mon untouchable. i wish u well..and we'll still be friends. but i guess i won't let my emotions ruin everything.

other thoughts for the past few days:
1) good things just don't happen to me at all..
2) chinese new year is round the corner
3) balance training- postponed...so, i guess my break into 'stardom' have got to wait a little longer..haha
4) i've found friends in which i can open up and not worry about anything. i've let go quite a lot from being judgemental and all....

ok, ciao
je t'aime


Z said...

Congrats on your weight loss but I seriously think that you should do more resistance training then to lose more weight lo. Regarding the "untouchable", I would say continue to dream but just don't hurt yourself. I love to dream, cause if there's one they're usually lovely and sweet. Haha.

Michelle Quah said...

Alan, how many times must i smack ur innocent naive thinking? ish....
the world aint that pretty, dreaming gets u nowhere. ok, as for my diaper buddy, u know i've got your back, everytime and always, no matter what, and I hope it's vice versa.

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