Sep 5, 2008


Am hesitating to go to the gym for the past few days..hehe. ever since i came back from KL, been wanting to avoid gym. and now, i am even planning my work to finish slightly later so that i don't have to be in the gym, and also planning to stay for a shorter time period there. probably i'll go for step class, then work on my chest and disappear back into my hiding hole...

what's worse, my hiding whole isn't exactly comforting either. just that there are ample pillows and bolster to shelter me from the world. am missing my big throw pillow.. cos it was really really comfortable to hide there.

i guess angels are really here in desperate times. ever since i spilled my thoughts in the blog, certain things have changed, and there are people coming to talk to me on various issues. firstly, i've just got a pay raise.. just a mere 16.67% from my current salary. then, janis wants me to cover a class for her on sunday, 14th sept. what was more surprising was that i person that i only met for the first time yesterday was pushing me to further my studies. are these signs and signals telling me to move on????

anyway, will try to put all these issues to the back of my head and maintain the current situation. guess i shall now channel more energy to my work. i have a whole forum to host tomorrow morning, budget to prepare after i blog, things to do...probably it'll take my mind off things.

guess that's all for now.. gonna make myself a nice cup of green tea (suggested in alan's blog) as i will be facing the computer the whole day..haha.


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