Mar 23, 2009


Another round of musings at the beginning of the week.. more like reflections, but i love the word musings.. hehe.

so, i'm leaving at the end of this week. i'll be gone from my comfort zone for a month. being in a place whereby i know no one, and learning new things again. probably this is a bleesing in disguise.. it'll make me stronger, better, and more prepared to move on from the current situation. i wouldn't say that i'll miss the people around me, but sometimes, i think things will be better off without me..

a few things managed to tickle my funny bone over the past week.. firstly, i seem to have the knack to become 'pregnant'. little did i realise, i first assumed the position of a 'pregnant' bodybalance instructor during the training. and now, there's actually 'demand' for me to become preggers.. haha. but sorry folks, 'm a dude, so no chance (even if i was a chick, no chance)

next, a visit to the doctors to get my medical clearance turned out to be quite funny. apart from the long list of medical things that my doctor has to examine, he also has to clarify my mental health.. what i found funny was he actually asked me what was my response to 'depression, attempted suicide, or other psychological symptoms'.. seriously, do i tell the truth?? hahaha. of course not (btw, i'm cleared for the training.. hehe).

again, ppl seem to think that i wear my heart on my sleeve. people seem to think that they can read my emotions and reactions.. sometimes yes, sometimes, not really. there are times when i let loose, but there are times when i put on a mask.. so, how can you say that my emotions can be seen through easily?? hahahahaha. such joke.

for once, a certain change on saturday activity.. instead of clubbing, coffee sessions or movies, spent the nite in g-spot.. with the live jazz band and the singers, it was actually quite fun.. heck, even hit the dance floor for a while..
however, my two left feet got the better part of me.. hahahhahahaha.

i need an explaination to a certain heavy feeling on my chest. it feel as if i'm suffocating or drowning, with a heavy boulder placed across my chest.. and no, it doesn't happen when i'm asleep (sleep induced paralysis). it happens when i am fully awake.. wonder what scientific explaination is that.. hmm???

some comments i've heard over the past few days:
1. You are losing ur humanity (to me).. haha
2. You are such a diva
3. I'm such a bimbo (from myself to me)
4. You are such a whore (from myself to me)

ok, enough of my ramblings, musings, whatever nots.. hehehe


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