Nov 7, 2009


pandemonium - that's the time when all hell breaks loose. that is the time, when things get so out of control that there is nothing that can be done to rectify or manage the situation.

this is exactly what i am feeling now. or at least what i felt for the past few days (cos as of now,i am feeling tipsy already).

so, it seems that i have unleashed hell, and the greatest stone in my heart. i have set for and said things that i am and wasn't supposed to say. i have told certain people secrets so dark that they wouldn't want to even be associated with me from now on.. but i guess the damage is done.

being somewhat a listener, writer and thinker, it never really occur to me that i have the gift of eloquence to tell people so many other things. i have also struck down certain obstacles so strong, and am airing my dirty laundry in the general public.
thank goodness to my two besties tonight, for willing to take up my offer for a drink, and some partying. seems like it is not easy being us, and it will surely be harder being me..

so, according to besties, time to let it go. start anew, and i could easily do that if i learn how to let go, and work my assests. i also realised that previous encounters were generally shoved aside due to certain reservations in me.. now, it is time to ditch them all away, and finally start with something new.

i guess this is the last time i am going clubbing in a while. not only is it emotional and physically damaging, it also ruins my wallet by burning a huge hole inside it. however, won't mind for another round of drinks..:)

am signing off now to catch up on my soberiety


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